Our Team

Kyle Henderson

Kyle Henderson

Business Manager

Ryan Hutchison

Ryan Hutchison

Managing Director

Andrea De Roo

Andrea De Roo
M.Sc. P.Ag. CCA

Director of Agronomy

Alana Serhan

Alana Serhan
B.Envr. AAg

Territory Business Agronomist

Elston Solberg

Elston Solberg
M.Sc., P.Ag.

Senior Agronomist/Strategic Advisor Crop Intelligence and Co-founder, EarthDirtSoil

Trevor Fraser

Trevor Fraser
Certified EST

Crop Intelligence Hardware Specialist

Alexis Watson

Alexis Watson

Operations Coordinator

Andrew Markewich

Andrew Markewich

Systems Planner

Katharyn Houston

Katharyn Houston

Territory Business Agronomist